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Histamine Sensitivity or Allergies?

Histamine Sensitivity or Allergies

It’s crucial to know the difference between histamine sensitivity and allergies because they involve distinct mechanisms and require different approaches to management.

What is Histamine Sensitivity?

Histamine sensitivity, also known as histamine intolerance, is a condition where the body struggles to properly metabolize histamine, a chemical involved in the immune response. 

Histamine is naturally present in various foods and is also produced by the body during allergic reactions and other immune responses. When histamine levels become too high or the body’s ability to break down histamine is compromised, it can lead to a range of reactions, including digestive issues, headaches, skin problems, and more.

Histamine sensitivity is increasingly recognized as a significant health concern, affecting individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Factors such as genetics, diet, gut health, and environmental factors can influence an individual’s susceptibility to histamine sensitivity.

Difference Between Histamine Sensitivity and Allergies

Histamine sensitivity is not an immune system response like allergies. Instead, it’s a metabolic issue where the body struggles to metabolize histamine efficiently.

Responses of histamine sensitivity can be varied and delayed, making diagnosis challenging. In contrast, allergies involve the immune system’s immediate and often severe response to specific triggers, such as pollen or certain foods. Allergic reactions typically manifest as itching, swelling, hives, respiratory issues, and in severe cases, anaphylaxis.

Why Differentiation Matters

Understanding whether responses are due to histamine sensitivity or allergies is essential for appropriate treatment and/or management. While allergies may require allergen avoidance, medications, or immunotherapy, managing histamine sensitivity often involves dietary modifications, stress reduction, and addressing underlying gut health issues. Misdiagnosis or confusion between the two conditions can lead to ineffective treatment and prolonged discomfort for affected individuals.

Tips to manage Histamine Sensitivity and Allergies

Histamine Sensitivity

  • Avoid histamine-rich foods: Cut down on aged cheeses, fermented foods, cured meats, and certain vegetables.
  • Identify trigger foods: Keep a food diary to pinpoint specific foods that worsen symptoms.
  • Opt for fresh foods: Choose fresh, unprocessed options like fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and fish.
  • Stress management: Incorporate stress-reducing activities like meditation, yoga, and exercise to minimize symptom flare-ups.
  • Consider looking into dietary supplements.

Allergy Management:

  • Allergen Avoidance: Stay away from known allergens, such as pollen or specific foods.
  • Medications: Consult a medical professional for advice on managing symptoms.

How can Histamine Digest Help You with Histamine Sensitivity?

OmneDiem Histamine Digest supplies Diamine Oxidase (DAO), the enzyme that neutralizes histamine in the digestive tract.* Taking OmneDiem Histamine Digest prior to consuming high histamine foods and beverages helps defend against digestive histamine sensitivity and the occurrence of accompanying reactions.*

Natural: Our DAO is a natural enzyme-rich protein extract from porcine kidney that is delivered to the small intestine.

Convenient: DAO promotes histamine degradation within 20 min after intake.

Safe: DAO is not absorbed into the body and no adverse events have been recorded with DAO supplementation.


It’s important to recognize that managing histamine sensitivity and allergies is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Each person may have unique triggers, reactions, and responses to treatment. Therefore, it’s essential to work closely with healthcare professionals, such as allergists, immunologists, and dietitians, to develop personalized management plans tailored to individual needs.

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